Data Mining dalam Akurasi Tingkat Kelayakan Pakai terhadap Peralatan Perangkat Keras

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Sarjon Defit


Hardware is a computer that can be seen and touched in person. Hardware is used to support student work and learning processes. The hardware should always be in good shape. If any damage should be done quickly. The benefits of this study provide a viable level of data against hardware tools. The purpose of this study determines that hardware that is worth using quickly and precisely so easily can be repaired and replaced. Hard-processed action consists of 12 projectors, 2 units of access point, 6 units of monitors, and 20 CPU units. To see the level of appropriateness regarding hard drives requires a rough set algorithm with that stage: information system; Decision system; Equivalency class; Discernibility matrix; Discernibility Matrix module D; Reduction; Generate Rules. The results of the 40 devices of study STMIK Indonesia Padang subtract college have 10 rules of policy on whether the hardware is still viable, repaired or replaced. So using a rough set algorithm is particularly appropriate to apply in a verifiable level of accuracy to fast and precise hardware.

Keywords:   Hardware, Decision System, Data Mining, Rules , Rough Set

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How to Cite
Nurhidayat, Defit, S., & Sumijan. (2020). Data Mining dalam Akurasi Tingkat Kelayakan Pakai terhadap Peralatan Perangkat Keras. Jurnal Informasi Dan Teknologi, 2(3), 83-88.


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