Jurnal Informasi & Teknologi (EISSN. 2714-9730) is a media for scientific studies on the results of research, thoughts and critical-analytic studies regarding research in Systems Engineering, Informatics Engineering/Information Technology, Informatics Management and Information Systems. As part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting from research and thoughts for community service and as a reference source for academics in the field of Technology and Information.

Jurnal Informasi & Teknologi accepts scientific articles with the scope of research on:

 Technology Management

  1. Systems Engineering
  2. Expert Systems
  3. Decision Support Systems
  4. Data Mining
  5. Artificial Intelligence
  6. Computer Networks
  7. Computer Engineering
  8. Image Processing
  9. Genetic Algorithms
  10. Information System Design
  11. Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
  12. Database System
  13. Big Data
  14. Energy Management
  15. Enterprise Computing
  16. ICT
  17. Technology Management
  18. Other relevant study topics

With articles that have primary citations and have never been published online or in print before.