Application of The End User Computing Satisfaction Method to Analyze User Satisfaction Toward the Quality of Mobile Banking Services

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Frans Sudirjo
Silvia Ekasari
Nenden Hendayani
Donny Dharmawan
Ansir Launtu


This research aims to find out how to analyze user satisfaction with the quality of mobile banking application services using the end-user computing satisfaction model. This research adopts a quantitative approach. Use of questionnaires as a data collection tool. Sampling was done using the purposive sampling technique, with a sample size of 100 respondents. Researchers conducted demographic, outer, and inner model analyses using the PLS-SEM approach via Smart-PLS. This research indicates that most mobile banking application users were satisfied with their overall use. The four hypotheses proposed, namely ease of use, perceived usefulness, and timeliness, were all accepted with solid evidence. The results of hypothesis testing show that three hypotheses have a highly significant influence on user satisfaction, namely H5 (perceived usefulness), H4 (format), and H3 (ease of use). These factors, such as user-perceived usefulness, format quality, and ease of use, provide a positive experience for users to feel satisfied with the application. However, two hypotheses are not accepted, indicating that the accuracy variable (accuracy) and content variable (content) do not significantly influence user satisfaction. The purpose of adding the perceived usefulness variable to this research is to obtain information about how practical the application is for users, and the results of the t-test show that this variable has a significant relationship with user satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Sudirjo, F., Ekasari, S., Hendayani, N., Dharmawan, D., & Launtu, A. (2024). Application of The End User Computing Satisfaction Method to Analyze User Satisfaction Toward the Quality of Mobile Banking Services. Jurnal Informasi Dan Teknologi, 6(1), 150-154.


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