Application of Forward Chaining and Rule-Based Reasoning Methods to Design an Expert System for Pregnant Women Disease Diagnosis in a Private Hospital
Main Article Content
This research aims to discover how to create and implement an expert system for prenatal disease diagnosis. To prepare this study, the author employed several data collection techniques, including observation, interviews, and a literature review. The system to be designed was developed using an object-oriented paradigm and a Rapid Application Development (RAD) technique. Multiple development stages are involved in creating RAD, including requirement planning, workshop design, and implementation. Based on the study findings, it was discovered that the PHP programming language, MySQL database management system, Apache web server, UML tool, and RAD system development methodology were used to create an expert system for identifying illnesses in expectant mothers. The forward chaining method is used for this expert system, where the first stages are to create an inference tree and set rules. This system likewise computes the consistency test using the Bayes theorem method. With an 80% accuracy rate, SISPADIBU can be used as a diagnostic tool for disorders related to pregnancy. SISPADIBU can use the user-entered symptoms to present the diagnosis results. According to the survey results, 80% of users said that SISPADIBU was highly user-friendly, that the layout display was simple to use, and that it was constructive in educating users about pregnancy disorders.
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